What’s Cooking Up with RFC Ambassador Malaysia Sharisa Haris?

What’s COOKING UP with RFC Ambassador Malaysia (Sharisa Haris aka Akak Sado)?
Oh, plenty! From the sumptuous culinary delights at Mama Nor to being a “Tik Tok” star (over 5 M hits).
“And more, including from the coming RFC PRG warming up weekend event (27/28 April) to Ms RFC International 2024 in conjunction with Rainforest Challenge Grand Final aka 27RFC this year & anything in between for RFC of coz!” smiled Sharisa @ Akak Sado.
Pix: RFC Ambassador Sharisa with RFC Founder & RFC PRG org committee at Mama Nor (Tampin) + at Ms RFC 2023 night.
Rainforest Challenge: www.rfc-global.com
TikTok @mamanor2017 @sharisaharis
Instagram @mamanor2017 @sharisaharis @rainforestchallenge (rfc global series)