Coming Action in GOA this July for Rainforest Challenge India 2022
RFCGS South Asia: Ready for Action in GOA again with Kabir Waraich, for the most prestigious 4×4 racing event in INDIA coinciding with the time of the SW Monsoon bringing thunder & rain across the Western Ghats. That’s also the time for RAINFOREST CHALLENGE INDIA 2022!! Catch up with champion Kabir Waraich in Goa from 23-30 July. RFC India is part of RFCGS affiliated to the Rainforest Challenge #RainforestChallengeIndia2022 #RFCIndia #RedBullMotorsports #RedBullIndia #RedBull #NotForTheFaintHearted #CougarMotorsport #RFCIN #RainforestChallenge #25RFC2022 #luisjawee @cougar_motorsport @rainforestchallenge