Return of the Champ?
For SAKHALIN Countdown / Showdown at RFC TIGER TRAIL 2024.
Face-Off for the most intense competition from RFC Global Series (RFCGS) East Asia starting from 20 – 25 Aug.
That’s right, it’s the finale of RFC Russia series before selecting the Finalists to Rainforest Challenge Grand Final (RFCGF)in Malaysia, the “Mother of all RFCGS events.”
So, you can imagine, for the serious contenders, they will be there! The Top Guns included Team 104 (3x RFCGF champ) + current RFCGF champion Team HWC 150. Among the others are Teams 103 & 106 the finalists of 2023.
Included in the lineup will be newcomers to RFC but seasoned 4×4 racing teams, they will give the Top Guns & everyone else a run for their money on Sakhalin Island (20-25 Aug).
More updated news coming soon.
Action pix from RFCRU Caucasus by RFCRU pix-lady Nalitova Yulia / Налитова Юлия / Nalitova_photo4x4
#RFCRussia #RFCRussiaTigerTrail #RFCPrimorye #RFCDauria #RFCBaikal #RFCKMV
#RFCBuryatia #RFCTver #RFCNord #RFCUral #RFCRCaucasus #RFCYenisey #RFCBratsk #RFCVRN
#RFCVORONEZH #RFCHongorai #RFCKBR #RFCKhabarovsk #RFCSiberia #RFCSakha #RFCSakhalin
#RainForestChallenge #RFCGrandFinal #RFCGloblaSeries #RainforestChallenge #LuisWee #RFCGlobalSeries
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