“Also confirmed on SKY channel 229 again for the 7th edition of RFC South Europe (RFCSE) 2022 with MS MOTORTV full coverage during race days,” said Patrick Silvestri (Head of RFCSE). “So, during the heat of the 4×4 action from 26-29 May at Corno di Rosazzo, get ready to be “shot” on cameras too,” he added with a smile. Pix: also announcing the entry of Team DEFTEK RACING (Ultra4) with Ferdinando Bartolucci (pilot) & Leonardo Borzi (co-pilot). “Confermata anche per questa edizione la presenza della troupe di Sky con MS Motortv con interviste e video durante tutta la gara.” Pix: RFCSE & codigo4x4 on RFCSE2021. RFCSE in RFCGS affiliated to Rainforest Challenge www.rfc-global.com #RFCSouthEurope2022 #RFCSE #RainforestChallenge #Cadibon #CornodiRosazzo #ColliOrientalidelFriuli #Udine #FriuliVeneziaGiulia #Fls4x4 #Eventi4x4 #4x4Mafia #luisjawee #25RFC2022 #LuisWee #TourismMalaysia #luisjawee #FiveToughestOffroadRacesintheWorld @rainforestchallenge