In the Spirit of RFC in Kelantan (Northeast Malaysia) & Narathiwat (Southern Thailand)
An August Brotherhood Bonding Extraordinaire in Rainforest Challenge.
RFC Kelate / Khonbudo Offroad aka “The Highlanders” / Narathiwat
With our iconic Pok Ta @ Ayah Ta & Haji Yu across the Thai border with Khonbudo offroad members at its clubhouse & at Tanyongmat Railway Station photo shoot.
Narathiwat is the southern province of Thailand facing the states of Kelantan & Perak & with a growing off-road racing & expedition power.
Pix: RFC Kelate Kelantan / RFC Kelate Khonbudo Offroad Narathiwat
#rainforestchallenge #RFCGlobalSeries #khonbudooffroadclub #narathiwat #rfcglobalseries #kelantan
#perak #tourismauthorityofthailand #tourismmalaysia #malaysiamadani #thailand #malaysia
Instagram@ rainforestchallenge