OFF ROAD from Asia’s “Rising Star.” RFC VIETNAM teams two, three & four (pix) head for Thac May, 130 km north of Hanoi. “We’ll be ready for RFC Grand Final in Malaysia which eluded us in 2020 pandemic,” said Quan Ngo. “As we know from history to current affairs, there’s no stopping the Vietnamese resilence in anything when they set their minds to do, “added RFC Ambassador Pham. Notes: History / Current Affairs: the country have overcome the ravages of war, the fight for independence, to national dev & in the battles to repel Covid19 pandemic while maintaining economic growth.

RFC Vietnam


Ranked among the most successful emerging economies of the world. Stable macro economy low inflation, high economic growth, ranked 8th among the world’s best economies to invest in & acc to UNDP Vietnam has created a “legend” with regards to poverty reduction (10% 2015 to 3% in 2020). So, no surprise to see them warming up at every opportunity they can to face the challenges coming RFCGF. Team One is from Hung Offroad. Pix from Qaun Ngo at Thac May & RFC Ambassador at RFCGF in Malaysia.

RFC Vietnam


#RFC #RFCVietnam #RainforestChallengeVietnam #RFCVN #TopFiveToughestOffroadRacesintheWorld #Hanoi #HCMC #Vietnam #LuisWeeII #RainforestChallengeInternational @luisjawee @rainforestchallenge.