Our Promise of Painful Days, Sleepless Nights & No Pain No Gain from Rainforest Challenge INDIA 2023. Season 9 coming to Goa 22-29 July. Not for the faint-hearted but, for the bravest of the land daredevils from the subcontinent of India. When the South West Monsoon blows, go with the flow of thrills and spills in the racing format from the World’s Top 5 Toughest Off-Road Races” – the Rainforest Challenge!
#rfcindia #rfc #RainforestChallengeIndia #CougarMotorsport #rainforestchallenge #India #adventure #offroad #offroad4x4 #rfcglobal #notforthefainthearted #extremeoffroad #motorsport #motorsportindia #goatourism #4×4 #extremesports #IncredibleIndia #luisjawee #rfcglobalseries @cougar_motorsport @rfc global series (rainforest challenge)