Getting ready to Rock & Roll with RFC COLOMBIA 2024 season!
“No Te Quedas Fuera” (don’t be left behind) in this Limited entry to the inaugural Oct race format from the World’s No.3 of Top 5 Off-Road Races (Rainforest Challenge in BARRANCABERMEJA (Santander) 
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Tarifas RFC’COL 2024:…/1DcSxzupn9zm-EyQD…/view…
Hosted by RFCCO authorized rep/org (4×4 Trocha y Gorgojo) & with the experience of Jorge Sanchez, 2x RFCEC champion & 3x podium winner at RFC Grand Final of Malaysia!
Pix RFC Colombia / Rainforest Challenge Colombia / RFCCO
#rainforestchallenge #rfccolombia #rfcglobalseries #rainforestchallengecolombia2024 #barrancabermeja 
#santander #tourismmalaysia #luisjawee #4x4trochaygorgojo