The Aussie hardware from Port of Melbourne to Port of Klang, ETA 16 Nov, after 19 days at sea, clocking 5,576 nautical miles / 10,036 km / at speed of 10 knots heading for RFC Grand Final 2024.
Almost there, mates!
That’s Adrian Parker comms with the rest of the Aussie contingent. Time for the Wizards of Oz to gear up for the flight to Kuala Lumpur.
Team 120 Dave Cameron & Simon Cameron
Team 122 Charles Phillips & Matthew Prosenak
Team 123 Adrian Parker & Alan McGilvray
You can also call this entry The Aussie Assault with Nissan Patrol to take on the mother Rainforest Challenge, the world’s no.3 of top 5 toughest off-road races.
See you all in Ibis klcc (27 Nov) and MH Hotel (28/29 Nov).
#rainforestchallenge #rfcgrandfinal2024 #rfcglobalseries #portofcatlai #portklang
#JIMlogistics #luisjawee #tourismmalaysia #malaysiamadani #malaysiatrulyasia
IG@rainforestchallenge (rfc global series)