BIG BANG in BOGOTA, ending the month of July for RFC Global Series (RFCGS)
A 31 July INDOOR / OUTDOOR Press Conference / Rueda de Prensa / Lanzamiento oficial “a la RFC COLOMBIA.”
An eye-opening success official launch / lanzamiento official with Indoor / Outdoor Welcome on 31 July @ Club de Ecopetrol in the capital city of Bogota by RFCCO mgt: Jhoni Collazos – Technical Management, 3-time world champion & Latin American Santandereano Pilot Mr. Jorge Sanchez of the Trocha and Gorgojo club, Melissa González – General Management & Manuel Correa – Career Management & presented by the popular Henry Castillo de “Vibran los Engines – Colombia.”
Muchas Gracias / TQ to all participants / media / participants and sponsors from RFCCO:
Hotel Olga Lucía – Official Hotel and Meeting Point. CST Tires – Official tire CST TIRES Colombia. Transceler – International Business. Translate Logistics. Nurex – Lubricant Fats and Oils. Buffalo “The Shipyard”. ProBarrancabermeja.. Tru Art Films – Produccion audiovisual. Gama Services – Autopartes. Fundacion GE. Link Television. Enlace Televisión. TelePetroleo. Canal Telepetróleo. United TV. tv Unidos. Off Road Territory. Sabanero Offroad . Offroad Colombia. Club Ecopetrol – Bogotá. PlanT Eco-Expeditión. Sabanero Offroad. Trabsportes APN. Experiences On Wheels.. Chameleon Motor Park. Chameleon Motor Park. The Engines Vibrate. Henry Castillo Monroy. Xtreme Drive. Ian Trailer. Ian Trailers. Elite Vehicles.
Pix: RFC Colombia / Rainforest Challenge Colombia / RFCCO
#RainforestChallenge #RFCColombia2024 #rfccolombia #lanzamiento #barrancabermeja
#RainforestChallengeColombia #RFCGlobalSeries #RFCGS #TrochayGorgojo #TYG #RFC
#luisjawee #rfcglobalseries #RFCGSB