Greening of Malaysia / RFC Care for Nature / Forestry Dept Malaysia / Perak / 5 Dec news update.
Reducing Carbon Footprint in RFC & RFC Global Series (RFCGS)
With our RFC CARE FOR NATURE campaign in conjunction with “The Greening of Malaysia” 100 million-tree project with the Forestry Dept of Malaysia (Perak) / Jabatan Hutan Negeri Perak.
Venue: Before the departure from Predator campsite (2-4 Dec) Forest Reserve Piah, Lintang, Lasah on 5 Dec. Next stop, Terminator campsite for 5-7 Dec.
Pix: Pak Agus / Jabatan Hutan Negeri Perak / Program Penghijauan Malaysia / Kempen Penanaman 100 juta Pokok
#RFCCareforNature #rainforestchallenge #rfcgrandfinal2024#visitperak2024 
#jabatanhutannegeriperak #reducingcarbonfootprint #sustainability #conservation
 #hutansimpanpiah #lintang #lasah #lenggonggeopark 
#TopFiveToughestOffroadRacesintheWorld #rfcglobalseries #luisjawee
 #tourismmalaysia #MalaysiaMadani #malaysiaturlyasia #perak 
#MalaysiaMadani #malaysiatourism #malaysiatrulyasia